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Author Topic: Torrents: How to Create and Share a Book on the ABB, A Step by Step Guide.  (Read 26021 times)
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« on: November 20, 2014, 11:28:57 PM »

How to create and submit a torrent to the AudioBookBay By Dallis and Gweilo.

Creating and submitting a torrent seems complicated but it's actually easy, very easy after the first one.
You'll have a few extra steps today because this is your first torrent but next time you'll have only two basic operations.

A. - Create the torrent with your Torrent App:
Click File, Create torrent, select folder (don't double click it) click "Create Torrent", Save as > point to Torrent Files folder.

B. - Post the torrent to the Audiobookbay:
Click Log In > Share My Audiobook > Fill in the form > click submit.

So let's get started!

Prepare Folder and Files:

1. Check the files Verify your book/file is not copy protected. .aa and .aax must be converted (Ripped) to mp3, m4a, m4b, etc. before sharing. There is a super-fast, free app to do that...InAudible.

2. Create a folder to put your torrent files in:
A torrent file is not the book, just think of it as directions to your book. I keep my torrents files in a folder call "Torrent Files" on an external drive but you can put them anywhere you like, just so it's easy for you to find. Later, when you create your torrent, it will ask you where to save it...this will be that place. My books (upload and downloaded) I keep on an external drive, in a folder labeled "Books". This is good in case you have to factory restore your device; it won't erase your books.  

3. If your book is a single file, name it like example below. If your book is multi-file, place the files in a folder and name the File(s) and Folder properly. Like:
"Rick Riordan - Heroes of Olympus book 05 - The Blood of Olympus"

Please Note:
Zipped/Rar files are not permitted on the ABB and will be removed.
ROBOREADER or any text-to-speech, AI, or other computer generated audio files are not allowed and will be removed.

Getting Things Ready:

Open three browser tabs.

One for the ABB site:

One for the book info and picture. I usually use

Finally, one for the torrent app video:

Creating the Torrent File:

Get Tracker Data:
At the ABB, login, click on "Share My Book". You'll need the TRACKER LIST. Highlight and Copy these so you can Paste them in your torrent when you create it.Warning: Verify there is a Blank Line between each tracker address.

The ABB tracker list is updated occasionally, as trackers die. See current list here.

Note: Most Torrent Apps remember your tracker list info so you won't have to paste the trackers in again except to occasionally update the list.

OK, here we go...
Make sure the book/folder is placed in it's permanent location and named correctly (in qBittorrent you can R-click to relocate a torrent to new location anytime).

Watch the video and follow the steps for creating a torrent. Video is for qBittorrent but it should be similar process in other apps. You could visit your app's site or search YouTube if you need more help.

Added notes:

Please do a search before uploading to make sure the book/version hasn't been uploaded. Also, please don't post the same book in another format e.g., both MP3 and M4B. Downloaders can convert if they need to. Two torrents for the same book leads to both torrents having fewer seeds in the long run.

Make sure that "Private Torrent" is NOT checked -- this isn't about your privacy, it's for private torrent sites; it deactivates DHT which can keep a torrent alive long after all trackers are dead. The site will give you a warning and tell you to "recreate the torrent file" if you try to upload a "private" torrent.

If you have a choice of torrent file format, choose "v1", not "v2" or "hybrid".
See post below for how to do this in qbittorrent.

When making a torrent with BitComet, please turn off the setting to create padding files, which are just a nuisance to everyone not using BitComet, and hugely inefficient, increasing the download size with junk data.
Just one simple setting: http://wiki.bitcomet.com/align_file_to_piece_boundary

There will be a setting for the piece size. By default it may choose 8Mb or even larger piece size for larger torrents. This can make things difficult for peers and seeds with slow connections. So please choose no larger than 1MB. (See here for background.)

You then save it to your "Torrent Files" folder. (DO NOT save the torrent file inside the same folder that contains the audiobook. The torrent will try to include this file referring to itself and cause  confusion, making it impossible to seed 100%.)

At this point you're done with the video.

Submitting your torrent to the ABB:
Click the ABB tab and continue submitting your torrent ("Share my Book"). It's just fill-in-the-blank questions. I usually copy and paste the information from my folder/file name and the GoodReads or Audible web site. It's faster that way.

Note: To add a Book Cover Image:
Go to Goodreads, Audible, etc. right-click the cover picture and select "Copy Image Location". Go back to the ABB and paste that in the "Cover URL" space.

Fill in the remaining fields in the form.
Please look at this guide to Describing your ABB torrent for details and explanation of, e.g. "Keywords".

Review your entries. At the bottom click the "Add Torrent" button and navigate to your Torrent File (not your book folder). Double-click the book torrent file to add it.

Click Submit. Be patient while the site adds your torrent.

After submission, you can edit the description and change any info, except the torrent itself. Just sign in on the main page to see your uploaded torrents.

Configure Your Torrent App For Seeding:
1. If your torrent is more that a gigabyte is size it's usually a good idea to set torrent to "Initial Seeding".
In most Torrent clients, right click on your torrent, Click on "Properties" and put a check in the "Initial Seeding" check-box. You can uncheck this after you see other seeds in the swarm.

2. Make sure your "Seeding Goal Ratio" is 400% (or more). You can alternatively right-click and select "Force-Seeding" for some hours to be sure it is well seeded. If you have a limited connection you can stop seeding after you see 20 seeds.

I tried my best to make a step by step guide but if you need help or have suggestions, please contact a moderator or me.  

*Updated by Dallis 14 Oct 2019
Updated Gweilo 27 July 2022
Added new Youtube video (old one died) and minor wording. Dallis August, 23 2022
*We do not allow requests for donations nor payment torrents.
updated Gweilo 7 April to add info about qbitorrent modes and link to image.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2024, 01:53:04 AM by Gweilo » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2014, 11:35:11 AM »

As a down-loader & up-loader I'd like to add to Dallis's post, if I may---try to use as many of the categories as you can to help a down-loader search and please do not click "other".  If you have a folder containing several books, listing some of the titles in keyword also helps with search.  Another good site for images and story descriptions is Fabulous Fiction.   Good luck.....J
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 11:50:32 AM by justme » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2015, 06:16:26 PM »

Thanks Justme,

If your not sure how to categorized your book, search for it on Goodreads.com
On the right side there is usually a list showing how most readers categorized it. That's what I use when posting.

Thanks for reading my FAQ everyone! I'm locking this now but if you have any additions or corrections, contact a moderator.

Happy Sharing! ♥

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« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2019, 08:18:49 PM »

Creating & Sharing: A Video Guide

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« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2024, 01:06:45 AM »

qBittorrent modes

In a recent update qBittorrent switched on hybrid mode by default on torrent creation... previously V1 was the default.
You need to now disable this or there can be issues with older clients.

See the "Torrent format": and choose V1.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2024, 07:22:35 AM by Gweilo » Logged
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