Searching only titles for a single wordWe've seen how to do what more or less equates to a title search using multiple terms: deliberately change the order of the terms to one that is unlikely to randomly occur in a description.
However, if you only have one search term, that clearly doesn't apply. So, can this quirk be used in some other way to avoid lots of unwanted results? Yes, it can. Say you're looking for a book, and all you remember is that the title contains the word "omission" (somewhat contrived, I know, but it'll do for illustration purposes). First, the obvious approach: yields 18 results, 15 of which turn out to be mismatches which use "omission" (or variants thereof, like "omissions", plus more than one variant on the misspelled "comission", and so on) in their descriptions. Not ideal.
To more or less force the engine to concentrate on titles only, what we can do is split the target term into two substrings, like so: yields just 4 results, reducing the number of mismatches from 15 to 1. And that one is just a case of bad luck, as "Thinking like an Econ
omist: A Guide to Rational Deci
sion Making" just so happens to also include both of those strings. This search would of course also find anything that includes the exact phrase "omis sion" in the description, but, as one would expect, there aren't any such.
An alternate strategy is to look for just one substring, bracketed with spaces: this case, that works even better - no more mismatches. Again, this would find anything that includes the exact phrase " omissio " in the description, but as long as the substring isn't a dictionary word, that's unlikely to prove to be a problem in practice.