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AudioBook Bay Forum » Help » How-to Guides » Audible (aax/aaxc) convert mp3/opus/m4b [Linux]

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Author Topic: Audible (aax/aaxc) convert mp3/opus/m4b [Linux]  (Read 594 times)
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« on: June 15, 2024, 09:31:06 PM »

This is guide for change audible files (aax/aaxc) to no drm files (mp3/opus/m4b), for personal use.
You need Linux, can WSL.

First need install:
- Audible (https://github.com/mkb79/Audible)
- Audible CLI (https://github.com/mkb79/audible-cli)

Type command after install:
audible quickstart
Recommend use external browser login
It ask country code. Use us for audible.com
Important! Need IP match country. For audible.com.br need Brazilian IP.

Login successful after can get book list:
audible -P audible-com library list
-P is profile, audible-com is example profile name.
Only one profile? Can:
audible library list

List show:
ASIN Title
ASIN Tile 2

You need ASIN. ASIN is numbers+letters.
Copy ASIN of title want download, convert.

Copy ASIN after try:
audible -P audible-com download -o Audiobooks -a B0CVEFTX0F --aax --cover --cover-size 1215 --chapter -y
-o Audiobooks // put output place. want output Desktop?
-o "~/Desktop/"
-a ASIN // use copied ASIN here
-P profile-name // use your profile name. only one profile? can delete it.
--cover // load cover
--cover-size 1215 // load full size cover
--chapter // load chapter, good later
-y // no ask confirm

Download not finish? Missing .aax file?
Need use aaxc. Use --aaxc, no use --aax:
audible -P audible-com download -o Audiobooks -a B0CVEFTX0F --aaxc --cover --cover-size 1215 --chapter -y
This is newer books, free books. Older books most aax.

Download finish? Need convert:
1. audible decrypt plugin (m4b)
2. aaxtomp3 (mp3, opus,...)
3. Other

1. audible decrypt plugin

Why use it?
- Fast
- New

Why not use it?
- In development
- Only m4b, need ffmpeg convert again for mp3/opus

First need install:
- Copy file from audible-cli github, plugin_cmds/cmd_decrypt.py
- Locate audible-cli folder ( ~/.audible/ )
- Put new plugins folder
- Put copy file "cmd_decrypt.py"

Install after can use decrypt:
audible decrypt "Audiobooks/raw/Audiobook_title.aax(c)" -d "Audiobooks/Convert/" -r -t
remove -r -t if error

2. aaxtomp3
Why use it?
- Many option (mp3, flac, opus,...)
- Can split
- Complete, errors handled, dir naming scheme

Why not use it?
- Developer archive this. Can stop working soon.
- Slower

First need install:
- Goto AAXtoMP3 ( https://github.com/KrumpetPirate/AAXtoMP3 )
- Follow instructions on page

Install after can use decrypt:
- Get authcode command (can -P profile)
audible activation-bytes
- Goto AAXtoMP3 folder
- Use command
bash AAXtoMP3 --authcode "0000f000" -t "../Audiobooks/" -c -l 1 --use-audible-cli-data --dir-naming-scheme "$artist/" "../Audiobooks/Audiobook_title.aax"
--authcode "0000f000" // use authcode (audible activation-bytes), aaxc no need it
-t "../Audiobooks/" // target, put finish convert book here
-c // split book. no split? use -s
-l 1 // log level up, no need it
--use-audible-cli-data // better chapter name, aax optional, aaxc need it!
--dir-naming-scheme "$artist/" // can remove, details look: https://github.com/KrumpetPirate/AAXtoMP3?tab=readme-ov-file#custom-naming-scheme

3. Other

Direct ffmpeg
It is easy for aax. Both 1, 2 use ffmpeg. Only need authcode.
Why not use it?
Not easy many aaxc. Use wrapper (1,2) more easy.

Need authcode/voucher.
Why not use it?
Docs not long... Only m4b.

The guide finish here.
Question? Ask!

Cen no cen? NEY!

Beg reseed!
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