hi there,
I'm an author, and Audible has given me a bunch of free audiobook copies to give away. All I ask in return is an honest review.
You would need to sign up for an Audible account, but you don't need to give them your credit card or give Audible any money if you don't want to.
Here are the three titles available:
www.audible.com/pd/Fiction/Food-Free-at-Last-Audiobook/B00CEIKXYE/www.audible.com/pd/Fiction/The-United-States-of-Air-Audiobook/B00EKN2272/www.audible.com/pd/Mysteries-Thrillers/The-Second-Bat-Guano-War-Audiobook/B00DO37XNM/If you're interested, please reply to this post.
J.M. Porup
p.s. all audiobooks are licensed Creative Commons and are also freely available from Podiobooks (although at 128kbps instead of Audible's 196kbps)